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The Lawyer's Secret Baby Page 3

  “Okay, then. You’ve convinced me. I can’t be responsible for you starving on the street. How about I pay to fix it. I think you’ll have enough trouble seeing to your own anyway.”

  Harley breathed a loud sigh of grateful relief. “Would you? Oh, that would be awesome. I had no idea how I was ever going to pay for it. That’s why I left that note. Thank you. I’ll be more careful in future. I know I don’t deserve to be let off but…”

  “No,” he said, seriously. “You don’t deserve to be let off. You just crashed a stranger’s car, left a scammy, lying note, and then offered to do ‘anything’ in return for not having to pay. I’m not going to question too carefully what that ‘anything’ might include in case I don’t like the answer.”

  “Nothing like that,” Harley interrupted, blushing furiously. Of course she’d meant that. Look at him!

  “Well, I’m glad at least to hear that,” Arian went on, “but another man might have taken you at your word. How old are you?” he asked suddenly.




  “Well, little lady, it seems to me you are in dire need of a firm hand before you find yourself in real trouble. It’s not about the money. It’s about the decisions you make and taking responsibility for the consequences of bad decisions.”

  Harley squinted at him in bemusement. “What? I don’t…”

  “Let me put it like this: I’ll pay for my car to be fixed, but in return I expect you to consider paying some other penalty for your carelessness, for the money I will be out of pocket, and for leaving this note. I mean there’s no reason you should get off scot-free, is there?”

  “Like what? What sort of penalty? Do you want me to clean your house?”

  “No, I don’t think that will be necessary. I think the most appropriate penalty would be a spanked bottom.”

  Harley laughed. Then stopped laughing when she realised he was serious. Or was he? He looked serious.

  “Yes, I am absolutely serious,” he said as though he’d read her mind. “I’ll cover the cost of fixing my car. And, while Dad does have insurance, if he makes a claim he’ll lose his ‘no claim bonus’, so I’ll have to pay for the repairs out of my own pocket. I don’t want you to cook or clean for me, but if you decide you want to make amends, I will give you the option of putting yourself across my knee for the bare-bottom spanking you deserve.”

  Harley was at a loss for words. She should voluntarily let him spank her? That was ridiculous, and it certainly wasn’t going to happen. She should just pay to fix his car and tell him to piss off. But… her bank account was empty, she earned a pittance, and she was already in debt to her mother. There was no way she could ask her for the hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars it would cost to fix the Audi. If she told him to stick his head up a dead bear’s bum now, he might withdraw his offer to pay to have the car fixed, and even if he didn’t, she’d almost certainly never see him again. And, much as she couldn’t quite bring herself to admit it yet, there was something about the way he said she needed ‘a firm hand’ and a spanking that sent a sexy shiver shuddering through her.

  “I’m not a child!” she said, feigning indignation to buy some time. “And how do I know you aren’t some kind of sadistic monster? Or rapist or something?”

  “Ah, good question. You don’t.” Arian studied her for a moment. Harley’s heart didn’t seem to be able to make up its mind whether it should stop altogether or beat out of her chest as she drank in how unbelievably scrumptious this man was. His dark hair was a little wiry and looked like it might well blow up into an afro if left to grow. He had a rosiness in his high-boned cheeks that accentuated the depth of his liquid brown eyes, and a charming mole above the left-hand corner of his upper lip. At last he spoke.

  “Look, I have an idea. How about I take you out for dinner tonight, and if by the end you decide I’m not a monster, I’ll take you back to my place and you can decide if you want to go over my knee for the spanking we both know you deserve. What do you say? I won’t force you to be spanked; I’ll just give you the chance to offer me your bottom for punishment. If you decide not to, that will be up to you. I’ll fix the car either way. Can’t say fairer than that, can I? But for the record,” he added quickly, “I think you’ve behaved pretty appallingly and thoroughly deserve to have your bottom soundly spanked. In fact, I’d go so far as to say I suspect you would benefit greatly from having someone looking after you, encouraging you and spanking you whenever you mess up, which might be quite often, do you think?”

  “You applying for the job, are you?” Harley asked, more sarcastically than she meant it to sound.

  His mouth tightened. “We’ll see, shall we? You can say ‘yes’ to dinner, or you can hop in your car and drive off and it will be as though we never met. I’ll just have this little souvenir to remind me of you.” He held up the note she’d left under his wiper.

  Harley’s mind was spinning. She couldn’t just walk away; she’d never see him again. She couldn’t offer to pay; she had no money. But he’d said the dinner date was unconditional, so she could accept that and spend the evening with this gorgeous man. If they went back to his place afterwards, she could give him something more interesting to think about than spanking her, and more than likely that whole spanking thing was just a ploy to get her knickers off anyway, and if he wanted to do that, she wasn’t going to object. She didn’t want to let him know how keen she was, though.

  “Dinner would be good,” she said with what she hoped was a nonchalant shrug. She was, she told herself, only agreeing to dinner after all, and she’d have to have a kangaroo loose in the top paddock to refuse that invitation! It didn’t mean she had to do anything else. If she didn’t like him at the end of the dinner, she’d just get him to take her home. End of story.

  When he arrived in the dented Audi to pick her up, she came out wearing her most alluring little black dress, one that showed off her feminine curves rather better than had her jeans and bulky windcheater, and a pair of the highest of high heels. She’d washed and straightened her hair so her fringe hung down to her eyelashes, and as she looked at him from under it, she could see she had succeeded in impressing him. As he had her. She could barely take her eyes off him, and the evening turned out to be the most wonderful of her life. Arian was a perfect gentleman and a delightful companion. It seemed that once they started talking they couldn’t stop, and conversation flowed effortlessly. They discovered they had a surprisingly lot in common and shared a similar sense of humour so had no trouble making each other laugh.

  Back in the car after dinner was over, Arian turned to Harley sitting in the passenger seat and reached over to tug a curl that was beginning to bounce back to life.

  “So, Miss Curly Locks, what’s it to be then? Am I a sadistic monster? Do you trust me enough to come back to my place? I have some wine, coffee, tea, even ice cream, I think. And we can discuss your need of a little old-fashioned over-the-knee discipline before we call it quits? On the car incident, that is. I don’t want to call it quits with you in any other way. I’m just getting started.” He gently ran his finger across her lips. “I want to see a lot more of you but be warned, discipline, including spankings, will be part of the deal if I think you deserve it. It’s just the way I am. I’m being totally upfront with you. If you don’t like the sound of that, it probably means neither of us would be happy if we tried to take this any further. In which case, I can take you home now, wish you well and kiss you goodbye. It’s definitely not my first choice though.”

  Harley felt herself trembling and her teeth began chattering of their own accord making speech difficult. And then she couldn’t speak anyway because he had leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Closing her eyes, she utterly surrendered to the sensation, feeling herself falling into him as he ever so gently moved his mouth over hers.

  “My place or yours?” he asked gruffly when he finally pulled back.

,” she whispered.

  “Knowing I’m going to spank you?”

  “Yes.” She was too embarrassed to look at him as she whispered her assent.

  Arian shared his city apartment with a ‘fly in-fly out’ engineer who was away on a ten-day swing, so they weren’t going to be interrupted. Once inside, Arian gestured to Harley to sit on the couch while he put on some loud Mozart.

  “The music will mask any percussion noise,” he said, “and the neighbours are less likely to complain about classical music than rock. They think they look like bogans if they do. They can be a bit snobby around here.”

  Harley looked around the apartment. It was very modern, minimalist and masculine. Open-plan except for the two bedrooms and bathrooms, it comprised sharp edges and plenty of white and chrome on the walls and in the kitchen. She sat down on the dark-grey, five-seater corner sofa-bed lounge that was against one wall. Attached to the wall opposite was a very large screen, half a metre above a wooden entertainment unit. Both sides of the unit had narrow bookcases extending up higher than the screen and both bookcases were full to overflowing.

  Apart from a red motorcycle helmet on a hall stand by the front door, and splotches of colour in a framed poster of a collage of works by Banksy hanging on the wall, the apartment was white, brown, silver, black and grey.

  “What do you say, baby girl?” Arian asked, joining her on the couch and gently rubbing the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “Shall we get down to business?”

  Longing to be just snuggling up with him for some heavy snogging and wherever that led, Harley quickly undid the straps on her shoes and slipped them off then pulled her legs up onto the couch in a sideways kneel, and turned towards him with her sultriest expression. Her tiny dress had ridden up so far it was barely covering her pants and the front of her smooth, golden thighs were completely exposed.

  “I’m ready,” she said, her heart beating faster at the thought of being wrapped up in those big arms.

  “Okay,” Arian raised both eyebrows, looked at her legs then back up to her face and pursed his lips. “Let’s get down to the nitty gritty then, shall we? Have you considered the day’s proceedings?”

  Harley had hoped his mind might have turned to other things. She put both feet back on the floor and tugged her skirt down.

  “Yes,” she said dismissively. “I did the wrong thing and said I’m sorry.”

  “And do you think that is sufficient?” he pressed her. “Or do you think some sort of penalty is in order?”

  Harley looked up at him. He really was gorgeous. If only he would kiss her!

  “Do you feel good about your antics today?” he asked.

  “Not really,” she mumbled inaudibly.

  “Beg your pardon.”

  “Not really,” she said a little louder, half rising then sitting down again and fiddling with her hair.

  “Why not?”

  Silence. Her brain and mouth refused to work together to find a reply to that question.

  “Come on, little girl. Stop fidgeting and talk to me. What do you honestly think of your behaviour today?”

  “Not good,” she whispered looking at her hands that she was twiddling in her lap.


  “It wasn’t good,” she repeated a little more loudly but still barely audible.

  “Look at me,” Arian said again.

  She looked up and her eyes filled with tears of shame and remorse.

  “It wasn’t good was it?” he asked. “Why can’t you look at me? Are you embarrassed by what you did?”

  Harley looked down again and nodded. Her nose had started running and she sniffled. If she could turn back time, she’d leave the phone to ring and concentrate on parking without hitting Arian’s car. But then she might not have met him.

  “Let me get you a tissue,” he said gently. He disappeared into the kitchen and returned holding out a box of tissues. She took a couple and blew her nose, but still couldn’t look at him.

  “Do you think you deserve some kind of punishment for your sins?” he asked, sitting down next to her again and placing the tissues within her reach.

  She couldn’t help herself. Her head was bent down so she couldn’t see him, but she gave it a little nod.

  “Do you think you would feel better if your bottom was spanked? That way you will have acknowledged you did the wrong thing, been punished and it will all be over, won’t it? We can just forget about it. What do you think? It’s up to you, little girl. If you don’t want to, that’s your choice too, but at some point you need to accept responsibility for your bad behaviour. I think you will feel better about yourself afterwards. In fact, I suspect you might find it quite cathartic.”

  The emotional tension was so intense, Harley couldn’t help herself. She was crying into her handful of tissues. Gently taking hold of her wrists, Arian pushed her hands down.

  “Look at me, Harley,” he said. “Look at me.”

  His voice carried a weight of authority that Harley found impossible to resist. Slowly she lifted her tear-stained face up to him. He smiled gently, and her heart melted.

  “What do you say, naughty girl? Do you think you deserve a spanking?”

  She nodded.

  “Good girl. So do I. I’m very proud of you acknowledging your transgression and need for punishment.” He bent forward and kissed her gently on her forehead, then stood up and held out his hand to her. Without looking at him, she reached up and took it, then stood up. He took a step forward, but she resisted.

  “Is this really necessary?” she asked in a small voice.

  “You crashed into my car because you were looking at your phone, and then you left a very dishonest note on my windscreen. If I hadn’t come along just then, you would have run off,” Arian replied sternly. “I think you know you deserve to be spanked for that, don’t you? Come on, now. Let’s get this over with.”

  This time as he walked toward the bedroom, she allowed him to pull her along although she was still dragging her feet. Even with her resistance, he had no trouble pulling her across his lap once he’d sat on the edge of the bed, and without further ado, started smacking her upturned bottom.

  “Ow!” Harley exclaimed, trying to squirm off his knees.

  “Oh, no, missy. You aren’t going anywhere!” Arian pulled her back into position and held her fast, and then resumed the spanking, his big hand coming down hard on one cheek and then the other.

  “Please don’t,” Harley squealed. “I’m sorry. I can’t believe you’re doing this,” she added as he paused briefly.

  “I can’t believe you illegally and dangerously used your phone in the car and then left that note,” Arian countered, delivering another two smacks to each cheek. “Now keep still and take your spanking nicely.”

  Harley’s little black number, which she’d worn especially to impress Arian, was so short it had ridden up to above the top of her thighs when he’d tipped her over his lap, but he now pulled it all the way up to uncover the dainty, lacy black garment beneath.

  “Nice little knickers, but I’m afraid they are going to have to go,” he said pulling them down to Harley’s amazement and horror.

  “No!” She wriggled harder but he held her firmly against him.

  “Shh,” he warned, “and keep still. A bare-bottom spanking is what you deserve, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. No,” Harley whimpered, but this time stayed still. She gripped the bedspread tightly in her hand and shut her eyes.

  “That’s better.” He nestled her against him again with a firm arm around her waist and resumed his work.

  He wasn’t spanking her bottom as hard as he could, but hard enough that Harley was soon wriggling and gasping with each new smack on her tender cheeks. She managed to free one hand and reached back to try and protect herself but Arian pushed it away.

  “Oh no you don’t,” he said sternly. “You were very, very naughty, careless and dishonest, and you are not getting up until I say so.�

  “No, please, Arian,” Harley moaned and squirmed but to no avail. Arian continued his relentless assault on her defenceless bottom until both her pale cheeks sported a bright red blotch, and each new spank was wringing a cry and gasp from the hapless Harley bent over his knee.

  “Are you sorry for leaving that note?” he asked, finally stopping his hand.

  “Yes,” she cried. “I am. I am sorry. Really I am.”

  “And for looking at your phone while you were driving?”

  “Yes. Please. Yes.”

  “Okay, then I think you have been punished enough, but I hope you have learned a lesson.”

  He pulled her panties up and lowered her dress then helped her up off his lap, holding her hand while she stood beside him.

  “You really are adorable, Miss Curly Locks,” he said pulling her onto his knee, then gently brushing a tear from the corner of her eye. “Naughty but adorable. Come here,” and he kissed her long and sweet until she was limp.

  When he finally drew back, she was his for the taking, but instead he gently tipped her up off his knee and led her from the bedroom, picking up her shoes and holding them out to her when they reached the living room.

  “And now I’m going to drive you home. Put your shoes on. You’ve had an exhausting day.”

  “No! I don’t want to go home yet.” Harley took the shoes and tossed them back onto the floor.

  “You’ll do as I say, you little minx,” he said with a laugh, pulling her to him and smacking her hard once on each cheek. “Now do as you’re told and put your shoes on, unless you really want to go back into the bedroom–but it won’t be so you can hop into bed.” He looked at her sideways, sternly but with a smile. “As much as I would love to wake up next to you, we are going to wait. But not too long,” he muttered as he pulled her close for another kiss. “Now, missy, shoes! And that’s an order.”

  And it turned out the wait wasn’t too long at all. After that night, Harley and Arian spent every moment they could together, and Harley was soon used to the time she also spent across his knee. She couldn’t exactly say she always enjoyed being spanked and would try and talk her way out of it if Arian decided she deserved one, but she loved Arian, she loved how he insisted she be the best person she could be, and she loved how he made her feel that he really cared about her.